Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Drugged Driving in Florida

Florida has many cases of driving under the influence of illegal substance or an over-the-counter medication. This is as unlawful as drunk driving. DUI in the Sunshine State is defined as driving under the influence of alcohol, chemical substances, or controlled substances. It is not legal to operate a motor vehicle, whether boat or a car, when your normal faculties are impaired by the means of alcohol or any other substance.

Operating a vehicle under the influence of an illegal drug like cocaine, marijuana, or heroine is dangerous. Interestingly many people in Florida are not aware that they could get face legal issues for driving the under the influence of prescription medication. Many prescription medications have similar effects like that of alcohol. Others have worse effects than alcohol.

There are a number of other drugs that can impair a person’s ability to drive safely. These drugs include many prescription medications or even drugs that you can purchase at a local drugstore. Drugs that are taken for anxiety or allergies, in particular, can result in drowsiness and affect the person’s reaction time. Pep pills, on the other hand, can make a person nervous, dizzy, and can result in loss of concentration and blurred vision.

There are many prescription drugs that can affect one’s judgment. Since many people are obliged to take their prescription medications, it is important to read the warnings on the label properly. Prescription drugs usually state that you must operate carefully machinery while taking them. However, it is better to avoid driving while under the influence of such drug.

In Florida, you can be arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol if you go beyond the legal limit of .08%. In contrast, there is not legal limit for driving under the influence of drugs. This means that anyone could be arrested for DUI. The consequences of DUID can result in driver’s license suspension, fines, community service, and probation. It could remain permanent on your criminal record.

If you or a loved one has been charged with DUI drug, then you must talk to an experienced defense lawyer. There are legal defenses to this charge, such as lack of scientific research. You should contact a criminal defense lawyer as soon as you can because the involvement of your lawyer at an early stage is crucial to the outcome of your case. Remember that driving under the influence of drug is not similar to a regular drunk driving.

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